Becoming more animated...

owls looking amazed


Focus this week:

This week I have been exploring CSS animations. I briefly came across these when creating my Dog Face Mash app (an app to compare pictures of cute dogs 😊).

Check it out here

Since then, I had mainly been focusing on JavaScript and React when I came across Scrimba’s 7-day CSS challenge. Each day you receive a new challenge to complete and this featured a few animation challenges which sparked my interest on delving into this topic further.

Animations are a great way to help with the user experience of your apps and direct attention to particular areas. They are also pretty fun to create, even when it's just a simple fade in!

So my week has been looking into keyframes, transitions and transforms….hoping to become more animated in future projects!


Things to check out:

Stay motivated:

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” 

– Robert Collier



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