Different ways to React...

man angry at his computer

Focus this week:

This week I have been continuing my journey with React. I find the best way to learn is by doing, so I have created a couple of small apps that allowed me to explore the core ideas within React such as components and state management.The first project I built was the Dog Face Mash app I mentioned a couple of weeks ago and the second is a recipe box (an app to search for recipes using Spoonacular's API).

Check it out here https://daneika-recipe-box.herokuapp.com/

For both projects I used Create React App, something I would recommend when starting out creating single page applications in React. This is because it allows you to focus on your application code rather than the build tools. CRA also comes with some builtin linters and other tools that help keep your code neat and inline with code standards set out by Facebook. One less thing to worry about which always helps when trying to absorb a lot of new material!

My opinion of React so far is that it gives a great way of organizing and structuring your code and especially for beginners, allows an overwhelmingly large task to be split into smaller chunks using components, something I found particularly helpful. However, I did struggle with managing the CSS of my projects not really knowing whether to place it inline, in JSS or externally, so if any one has any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

For now though I'll continue with my journey, keep practicing, keep learning and keep finding different ways to React!

Things to check out:

Stay motivated:

“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.”

– Brian Herbert



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