Things are starting to add up...

Focus this week: This week has been about maths and how it relates to software engineering. After trying out JavaScript challenges I realised I needed to brush up on my basic maths knowledge. For a lot of people (including me) when you hear the word “algebra” or “equations” it can cause a feeling of panic and dread, especially if it is something that you don’t use regularly. However, actually looking back at these maths topics as an adult has made me realise they are perhaps not as daunting as I once thought. In fact, I would even say I have quite enjoyed the process of relearning topics I hadn’t covered since school. I think this comes down to a mixture of the great resources out there (especially apps such as khan academy and brilliant that give you the ability to access and complete short lessons daily wherever you may be), as well as coming to it from a new perspective, as a tool that will aid me rather than another subject on the timetable. So for those of you who s...