Building motivation by celebrating the small wins...


baby looking motivated
child who has just woken up

Focus this week:

This week was a bit of a tough one as I found it hard motivating myself to study.

Lack of motivation is a common problem for so many, especially with the current situation. More people have found themselves in an unfamiliar state, whether it be working or studying from home, the lack of routine and numerous distractions, can make getting things done rather challenging. 

As I mentioned last week making something a habit is key and I'm still finding the balance. In fact this blog has really helped with my own motivation, as it creates a goal to achieve each week and focuses my study.

So with that being said, I have tried drawing out a more detailed plan this week, mixing a continuation of algorithms and data structures, practicing technical questions and building websites. As I had a few areas to focus on I split them into what I wanted to achieve in the morning of a given day and what to focus on in the afternoon. The benefit of this plan is that it doesn't create too strict a routine that I feel limited, however it does still hold me accountable for my time. If I don't give time to "task a" in the morning, I can''t push it back to the afternoon as that time is already committed to "task b". 

It may not work for everyone but it helps motivate me to start early, otherwise " task a" will get missed for the day. I use this outside of studying too, if I'm not motivated to, for example clean the kitchen, I set myself 1hr to do it on a given day and know that is the only time I have to get it done. For me, it stops me getting distracted as I know I only have that given time slot.

Think of it this way, if the supermarket was only open for 1hr a day, you would make sure you got your shopping done in that time, rather than thinking, "I can always go later". Giving yourself a deadline or a time limit is a great way to help start getting motivated again and helps you get things done, knowing you can't reset the clock.

This is down to you and how disciplined you are with yourself, of course, you can just ignore the timer but wouldn't it be great if instead, when the time is up, you can celebrate a small win for the day.

Things to check out:

Stay motivated:

“You will never always be motivated so you must learn to be disciplined.”

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